The Japanese Society for Brain Function and Rehabilitation (Web site in Japanese) is an academic organization of scientists and paramedical staff in rehabilitation. The Jpn Soc Brain Funct Rehabil holds annual scientific meetings to provide a forum in which the members can present their findings, and also publishes an academic journal, Journal of Rehabilitation Neurosciences, to report scientific and/or clinical findings related to rehabilitation science.
Official Journal
Journal of Rehabilitation Neurosciences (J Rehabil Neurosci, JRN)
Journal scope
JRN is a peer-reviewed open access journal which publishes clinical and fundamental articles in relation to neurorehabilitation for disorders of the central nervous system. This journal also deals with reports on neuroscience, neurophysiology, engineering, and social science related to rehabilitation. JRN does not accept for publication studies that have already been published elsewhere except in the form of a preliminary communication.
Submission qualification and publication fee
JRN welcomes article submissions from not only members of the Jpn Soc Brain Funct Rehabil but also non-members, and does not charge a submission nor a publication fee.
Manuscript categories
JRN publishes the following contribution types:
- Original Article
An original article is a full-length report of quality current research within any field covered by the journal. In principle, it should provide a clear study aim, results, and theoretical discussion based on the description of experiments and surveys. - Review Article
A review article will usually be invited by the editors. Authors wishing to submit a review article should send a brief outline to the editors before submission. It should focus on studies in rehabilitation, explain primary research status and current problems, and discuss the significance of future studies.
- Brief Report
A brief report follows the same rigor and format of original articles and communicates brief reports of data from an original research study. It includes preliminary studies which have a simple research design or small sample size. - Case Report
For case report, a publication of an original and/or interesting case report which contributes to medical knowledge is encouraged. The case report should include an up-to-date review of previous cases in the field.
- Research Note
A research note shows the trial results of a new intervention method, an analysis method, or a new technology. It also includes a replication study. Although not as much novelty is required as for an original article or brief report, a clear purpose, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion are necessary. - Clinical Note
A clinical note aims to accumulate clinical findings. It is not as strictly examined as case reports but is a textualized clinical experience. - Tutorial Note
A tutorial note is also in principle invited by the editors. This is an educational commentary which expresses a personal opinion about existing research or methodology on a particular topic.
In principle, the received manuscript will be peer-reviewed by members of the editorial board and assigned to specialty reviewers, or reviewers with appropriate expertise. As this is a blind review, the identity of the reviewers is not known to the authors.
Manuscript submission
- Journal Home (J-STAGE)
All full-text articles of JRN are open-access provided by J-STAGE. - Editorial Board Members
- Submission Guidelines
Click here to get instructions for authors. Information other than format rules of the manuscript is also described in this document. - Microsoft Word Templates.
We strongly encourage authors to use the following templates:
・Original Article / Brief Report / Research Note
・Case Report / Clinical Note
・Review Article / Tutorial Note - EndNote style file (Clarivate Analytics)
・J Rehabil Neurosci.ens (Zip Compressed File) - How to submit
For the first submission, please submit (1) Cover Letter to Editor-in-Chief and (2) Manuscript(Microsoft Word file including figures and tables) via Editorial Manager. For resubmission, please also submit (3) Response to Reviewers with the revised manuscript. If the author list does not include a native English speaker, please also submit (4) Certificate of English Proofreading.Editorial Manager: https://www.editorialmanager.com/jrnsci/
- Japanese submission page is here.
- Journal Home (J-STAGE)